Cloud Enabled

GCP Training in India – System Operations

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Anil Bidari

Chief Consultant

Anil Bidari is a versatile trainer and consultant specializing in GitLab, AWS, Azure, Google, DevOps, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Ansible, Docker, Agile, and Machine Learning. His expertise drives successful technology adoption and implementation, benefiting organizations and individuals alike.
OVERVIEW : GCP Training in India

Course Outline

User Sign up?

  • Overview Google Compute Engine  Console
  • Management Activity and Billing overview
  • Google Compute Engine Pricing

Google Compute Platform (GCP)– 10000 feet overview?

  • GCE-VM’s- An overview
  • GCE VM storage- An Overview
  • App Engine – An overview
  • GCP -  Container Engine-An Overview
  • GCP - Container Registry- An overview
  • GCP – Cloud Storage – An overview
  • GCP – Cloud DataStore
  • GCP – Cloud SQL
  • GCP – Networking ,Load Balancing
  • GCP – Cloud DNS
  • GCP – Cloud Dataproc ( BigData service)
  • GCP – Cloud IAM

Module 1: Google Cloud Platform Projects

  • Learning Objectives
  • Identify project resources and quotas
  • Explain the purpose of Google Cloud Resource Manager and Identity and Access Management
  • Lab: Google Cloud Platform Projects
  • Learning Objectives
  • Use the Google Developers Console to create and manage multiple projects
  • Use service accounts and permissions to share view-level access between projects

Module 2: Instances

  • Create an instance using the Google Developers Console
  • Configure the Cloud SDK on the Compute Engine instance
  • Initialize Cloud Source Repositories using Git

Module 3: Networks

  • Learning Objectives
  • Explain how to create and manage networks in projects
  • Identify how to create and manage firewall rules, routes, and IP addresses
  • Lab: Google Compute Engine Networks
  • Learning Objectives
  • Create a non-default network
  • Compare default and non-default networks
  • Create firewall-rules with and without tags
  • Review network configuration in Google Cloud Monitoring

Module 4: Disks and Images

  • Learning Objectives
  • Explain how to create and manage persistent disks
  • Identify how to create and manage disk images

Lab: Google Compute Engine Disks and Images

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create an instance and install the Java 7 JRE from OpenJDK
  • Create a customized Compute Engine image
  • Launch and test a Compute Engine instance based on your image

Module 5: Authorization

  • Learning Objectives
  • Explain the purposes of and use cases for Google Compute Engine service accounts
  • Identify the types of service account scopes

Lab: Google Compute Engine Authorization

  • Learning Objectives
  • Set authorization scopes for a Compute Engine instance
  • Reserve the external IP address for the new instance
  • Install and configure Jenkins on a Compute Engine instance

Module 6: Snapshots

  • Learning Objectives
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for disk snapshots
  • Explain the process of creating a snapshot

Lab: Google Compute Engine Snapshots

  • Learning Objectives
  • Prepare and snapshot a Compute Engine instance
  • Restore and test the snapshot to a different zone
  • Snapshot a data disk without shutting down an instance

Module 7: Google Cloud Storage

  • Learning Objectives
  • Explain the purpose of and use cases for Google Cloud Storage
  • Identify methods for accessing Google Cloud Storage buckets and objects
  • Explain the security options available for Google Cloud Storage buckets and objects

Lab: Google Cloud Storage for Backups

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create and configure Nearline and DRA buckets
  • Modify the lifecycle management policy for a bucket
  • Copy data to a bucket using the Cloud SDK
  • Review, modify, and test bucket ACLs
  • Configure Jenkins to perform a backup to Cloud Storage
  • Test and verify that the backups are working

Lab: Google Container Registry

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create a customized Jenkins build node instance
  • Create an image using the instance's boot persistent disk
  • Create a test build node instance based on the new image
  • Test uploading images to Google Container Registry

Module 8: Instance Groups

  • Learning Objectives
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for instance groups
  • Explain the process of creating and using instance groups

Lab: Google Compute Engine Instance Groups

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create a Compute Engine instance group with instances
  • Define Jenkins build tasks and run them
  • Run the build tasks to create a guestbook image

Module 9: Google Cloud SQL

  • Learning Objectives
  • Understand how to create and administer Cloud SQL instances
  • Explain how to access Cloud SQL instances from Compute Engine instances

Lab: Google Cloud SQL

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create a Cloud SQL instance using the Cloud SDK
  • Create a Compute Engine instance from a custom image
  • Deploy and test the Guestbook web application

Module 10: Metadata

  • Learning Objectives
  • Explain the purpose of metadata and identify the use cases for project and instance metadata
  • Identify how to set and query metadata

Lab: Google Compute Engine Metadata

  • Learning Objectives
  • Add instance and project metadata
  • Query instance and project metadata using the Cloud SDK
  • Query metadata from inside a Compute Engine instance

Module 11: Startup and Shutdown Scripts

Identify the purpose of and use cases for startup and shutdown scripts

Lab: Google Compute Engine Startup Scripts

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create an instance with a startup script in metadata
  • Create an instance with a startup script from Cloud Storage
  • Create an instance with a shutdown script and install the Cloud Logging agent

Lab: Google API Client Library

  • Learning Objectives
  • Use the API Explorer to query an API request
  • Run sample code that uses the Google API Client Library
  • Test and build a container that uses the Cloud SQL APIs
  • Create a new Compute Engine image

Module 12: Autoscaling

  • Learning Objectives
  • Explain the use cases for autoscaling and how autoscaling functions
  • Identify the purpose of autoscaling policies

Lab: Google Compute Engine Autoscaler

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create an instance template and managed instance group
  • Configure the managed instance group for autoscaling
  • Generate an artificial load to trigger scaling of your cluster

Module 13: Load Balancing

  • Learning Objectives
  • Explain the differences between network load balancing and HTTP load balancing
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for cross-region and content-based load balancing

Lab: HTTP/HTTPS Load Balancing

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create multiple autoscaled managed instance groups
  • Configure fault-tolerant HTTP load balancing
  • Test health checks for use with HTTP load balancing

Lab: Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Learning Objectives
  • Create a Guestbook deployment using a plain YAML format
  • Manage a Guestbook deployment using a Jinja template
  • Create a Guestbook deployment using Python templates

Lab: Deleting Cloud Platform Projects and Resources

  • Learning Objectives
  • Delete Google Cloud Platform resources
  • Test dependencies between resources
  • Delete Google Cloud Platform projects

Let's Enroll Our Course !!

Cloud Enabled Pvt Ltd is your trusted partner in advancing your skills. We offer comprehensive training in Cloud Computing, DevOps, and Machine Learning, designed to propel your career.
